XmVaCreateSimpleRadioBox - A RowColumn widget
convenience creation function
#include <Xm/RowColumn.h>
Widget XmVaCreateSimpleRadioBox (parent, name, button_set, callback, arg...)
Widget parent;
String name;
int button_set;
XtCallbackProc callback;
XmVaCreateSimpleRadioBox creates an instance of a RowColumn widget
of type XmWORK_AREA and returns the associated widget ID.
This routine uses the ANSI C variable-length argument list (varargs)
calling convention.
This routine creates a RadioBox and its ToggleButtonGadget
children. The name of each button is button_n, where
n is an integer from 0 to one minus the number of buttons in
the menu.
- parent
- Specifies the parent widget ID.
- name
- Specifies the name of the created widget.
- button_set
- Specifies which button is initially set. The value is the
integer n in the button name button_n.
- callback
- Specifies a callback procedure to be called when a button's
value changes. This callback function is added to each button after
creation as the button's XmNvalueChangedCallback.
The callback function is called when a button's value changes, and the
button number is returned in the client_data field.
The variable portion of the argument list consists of groups of
arguments. The first argument in each group is a constant or a string
and determines which arguments follow in that group. The last
argument in the list must be NULL. Following are the possible first
arguments in each group of varargs:
- This is followed by four additional arguments. The set
specifies one button in the RadioBox and some of its resource
values. Following are the additional four arguments, in this order:
- label
- The label string, of type XmString.
- mnemonic
- The mnemonic, of type KeySym. This is ignored in this
- accelerator
- The accelerator, of type String. This is ignored in this
- accelerator_text
- The accelerator text, of type XmString. This is ignored in this release.
- resource_name
- This is followed by one additional argument, the value of the
resource, of type XtArgVal. The pair specifies a resource and its
value for the RowColumn widget.
- XtVaTypedArg
- This is followed by four additional arguments. The set
specifies a resource and its value for the RowColumn widget. A
resource type conversion is performed if necessary. Following are the
additional four arguments, in this order:
- name
- The resource name, of type String.
- type
- The type of the resource value supplied, of type String.
- value
- The resource value (or a pointer to the resource value,
depending on the type and size of the value), of type XtArgVal.
- size
- The size of the resource value in bytes, of type int.
- XtVaNestedList
- This is followed by one additional argument of type
XtVarArgsList. This argument is a nested list of varargs returned by
For more information on variable-length argument lists, see the X
Toolkit Intrinsics documentation.
A number of resources exist specifically for use with this and
other simple menu creation routines. For a complete definition of
RowColumn and its associated resources, see XmRowColumn(3X).
Returns the RowColumn widget ID.
XmRowColumn(3X), and